Just in thinking about it, it seems really important to me that I make up my own mind on things rather than perhaps just parrot off what I hear.
It seems to me no matter the message I receive, it can only have one of two origins. Either it is true, or it is a lie. Blatant lies seem pretty obvious. There was one reported on the news recently. It was dropped fairly quickly and seems to be what I consider a dangerous development of recent times. Video’s of a person saying something they never said. I have seen multiple times the consequences of a rumour alone. People have died very quickly. It is no wonder someone said something like “a lie can spread around the world before truth has a chance to even do up its shoe laces.” It is lies hiding in truth that is to me is a dangerous deception. On a number of occasions I have seen things presented which on the whole it seemed good. It has only been through investigating a matter or movement more thoroughly, that I have seen what was being promoted. On more than one occasion everything being said I agreed with. I only realized I did not want to be caught up in what was being promoted, when I looked into what was not being said but what was central. Level two as it were. Often what is said is couched in such a way every decent person agrees with it. It can be promoted and accepted. It is only at that point what is not being said comes to the fore. At that point it is too late to change without great difficulty or dire consequences. Like the old saying say “I give you an inch and you take a mile.” Unfortunately, major damage is often done in a short space of time. Anyway that is the sort of thing I have been thinking about and it makes me realize afresh that apart from any supernatural element, the one who cares most about me is me. All I hear is not born of good will, and many things promise freedom but delivery slavery.
I seem to refer to James Clear a lot of late, but the simple reason is that to me he talks so much sense. When I saw one of the topics was dreams, I thought maybe he was referring to the sleep ones. He was not. It was more the aspiration ones.
I quote something here that is from his latest email. “In my early 20s, I wrote a list of ambitious things I wanted to do in life. Go bungee jumping. Create a movie. Start a business. That sort of thing. I did a few of them, but not most. Looking back, however, that list was incredibly valuable because it taught me the usefulness of chasing bold ideas—even if they never materialize. The dreams that didn't happen changed shape and led me down other interesting paths. The important thing isn't to achieve all your dreams, but to keep dreaming. Your desires change as you learn and grow. Old dreams will spawn new dreams. And eventually, one of these newer, more refined visions will find their moment and become reality." I guess I like that as it so echo’s what I feel. It is not unsuccessfully doing something that is failure, but failing to do anything. To me it does not matter if a dream I have may seem far fetched and unachievable. Even the unachievable when pursued can become achievable as pieces come together. Dreams are the stuff of life. There are things I need to do regularly like take the garbage out or go to the office when I went to the office, but there are other things I dream of doing and do as I can. For me dreams are like “try and stop me.” They are what I pursue with a passion. It matters not if the passion burns bright or is a fire that is stoked. They are what I naturally chase and find whatever I do is a building block of a dream. They say that the coal train engines are so big and heavy to get a train moving. Once moving movement is easier. No matter what I pursue it is the getting started that is the hardest part. It does not matter if I have a big or little dream. No matter the size of the dream, it will only ever remain a dream when I fail to do anything. The neighbourhood is changing. Well the day time bird visitors to our yard is. We still get our regulars of Doves, Pee Wees. Lorikeets, Blue Faced Honey Eaters, Little Wattle birds and a couple of Crows.
We actively discourage Butcher Birds and Magpies, as they dominate and bring heaps of friends and soon no bird feels safe with them around. It is funny watching the Butcher bird when I chase him away. He looks at me like “what is wrong with you? (I don’t think he has the time it would take for me to answer that). No one ever does this.” Well, he can never say that again as there is one person in Burpengary who does not make him feel welcome. But what has brought on the change is the regular visits of Cockatoos. They are big birds. Everyone defers to them. Even Corellas wait to eat. The Cockatoos are pretty and welcome. I do not think the night shift has changed though. But I only see until about 10pm. All the birds go to bed. We see them fly over the place for the evening. Kookaburras herald the arrival of the morning. But the evening is when the bats come out. We see a number of them fly over on their way to somewhere. When darkness falls the possums come out too. They are not the most welcome animal around, but they are cute. It is nice when we see a mother and baby. One possum did cause a lot of amusement. It had made its sleeping quarters in our roller door. Good place until we opened the door. It was like we heard a scream every time. That was when we discovered the possum. Really it is no wonder it screamed. It would be sound asleep and then the ground moved, and it would find itself on the roof before plummeting to the floor only to have the process repeat. We covered the entrance and built him a home in a tree. No one was more amazed than us that he took up residence. Ho do we know? We had a camera on a flexible chord that we could poke into his home and have a look. Sure enough he was there wondering what the heck this thing was. I have not mentioned the spiders that emerge or the frogs. (frogs was a summer thing we only hear them at the moment). One thing is for sure though. They all keep as entertained. |