You beaudy. I learned something.
I regularly do a cleansing thing where I go without food for the day. I make a day like they do in the middle east from sundown to sunup. Sundown is the start of a new day. So if you want to know when sunset is, I am your man. Right now it is 5.12. Not long ago it reached its earliest point which was 5.01. Now the days are getting longer again. Anyway, I was wanting to determine when sunset was. (I actually like that as it means I have a meal in the evening.) While I was looking into it, I saw stuff talking about twilight. I really thought twilight is twilight. But no. There are three stages of twilight. I had no idea. The stages of twilight are determined by the distance of the sun below the horizon. (I take their word on this one) Civil, Nautical and Atmospherical. Civil is when the sun has gone below the horizon, but artificial light is not needed. (the sun is up to 6 degrees below the horizon). At sunset it is the first part of twilight (it is opposite in the morning.) The next stage is the Nautical twilight. (the sun is between 6 and 12 degrees below the horizon) The horizon is faintly visible as are some of the brighter stars. Sailors could use the position of the stars in relation to the horizon to navigate successfully. That is why it is called nautical twilight. I confess this one I find harder to distinguish. I wandered into the yard and said to myself “this is civil twilight.” Not so for nautical twilight. All I know is outlines of things can be seen but I need artificial light to clearly distinguish things closer up. I think I can tell when Astronomical twilight is on. (the sun is between 12 and 18 degrees below the horizon) It is defined as a period of twilight when astronomical observations of sources of sky light are visible and can be studied. If there are other light sources they can interfere with observations. This is why in the city the sky seems less habited. (there is too much light) Anyway all this because I wanted to know when sunset was. I found out what I wanted and a lot more besides.
I had planned stuff to do yesterday. But I did very little of it. Instead I veged. I slept, I watched tele, I stared meaningfully into the middle distance.
It seems weird to me but sometimes I beat myself up for resting. Sometimes the resting is justified. I have been busy, and it is time to recharge. At other times I am just being slack. No matter the motive the inclination can be the same. Beating myself up. Yet unless I learn from the experience, beating myself up is a total waste of time. I know it is totally worthwhile to look back and examine my motives at the time, but I cannot change the past. I have a mate who said one good thing about expecting visitors is it tends to lead to tidying the place up in preparation. To me that is true. I tend to slacken off when I have opportunity to. If I don’t have that opportunity, then I tend to do what needs to be done. I am the sort of person that thrives best on challenges that have been set. I know I can motivate myself, but in my experience that is definitely necessary but harder. Besides it is better for my mental health to be doing something. When my mum died, I had time off work. I was living by myself at the time, and I chose to go back to work early. I knew that being alone for too long was not good for me. I needed to be among people and focus my attention on others rather than myself. Certainly there was a time for grieving but I could feel the change. It had gone from being necessary and good to toxic. So I know when I vege if it is a good thing or not. When it I not the best thing I can do is focus on others rather than myself. I don’t know when I first heard it but I do know when I first believed it. “Less is More.”
For me this has never been a philosophy about going without for its own sake, but being content with and making the most of what I have. I bought an album I really liked. Like in every song. There was just one thing though. Bits I really really liked did not seem long enough. Then it downed on me how this was such a good thing. In this day it seems catchy choruses are repeated sometimes addem finitem. It is like capitalizing on instant like. The thinking seems to be “If I like something more is better.” I would say that often more is better but always up to a point. More ice cream I like but there comes a point where more ice dream is not good for me. It seems to me that is a life truth too. When I have a good meal I need to let it settle so I can enjoy another good meal. Without settling time, I get sick. As far as the album I liked went I would play it and play it again some other time. The enjoyment time was extended as I wanted to go back for more. I see it so often around me too. I do not know how people listened to speeches that sometimes went for four hours. There is a saying I believe that “the head cannot absorb more than the seat can endure.” It seems to me often what needs to be said can be said succinctly. Often anything further only repeats or re-emphasises what has already been said. I do remember someone saying, “leave them wanting more.” When I think of effects on me I can only agree with that statement. I personally feel it is better to have others say, “I wish there was more,” than “I wish they would stop.” Works for me anyway. Lately I have looked for quality over quantity. What impact me can be made in a few words or bars. |