I like something I read yesterday. It can be applied to many things – even our yard! It is a quote from C.S.Lewis. “Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for desires exists. A baby feels hunger; well there is such a thing as food. A duckling wants to swim; well there is such a thing as water."
I would add a bird wants to fly; well there is such a thing as air to fly in. But the way the birds carry on, sometimes I would not know. They seem to enjoy walking. When getting out of the way of the car so often they seem to walk away rather than fly away. It causes us a bit of angst as they seem to not mind going close. I will never forget as a kid sitting in the back seat of a car seeing a bird on the road. I pointed it out to the driver. They said, “these birds have a special way of getting under the car.” I looked back and there was the bird sprawled out on the road. It seems their “special way” was to die! Our yard looks a picture when looked after. Given time it looks daggy again. It is a cycle. My desire is it look tidy. Satisfaction exists. In this instance not by itself but when we make it happen. It seems satisfaction for desires exist but can be contested too. If a baby does not get food, it dies. It is totally dependant on another to see its desires satisfied. A duck wants to swim, but there is water that is turbulent. Not all water is an environment that promotes peace and tranquillity. Our yard can be a picture. But there are weeds and leaves and uncontrolled growth that cause it to be another way. In every instance it may be another or myself that is needed to bring about satisfaction of a desire of mine.
Happy Birthday Merril!!
Different day today. Big start. I have guys over the 2nd Saturday of the month. A couple of guys cook sausages, bacon and onions on the BBQ, and Merril graciously does eggs and then disappears. We eat, then have a guy speak about things that matter to them, then we go home. For me that is not far. And today happens to be Merril’s birthday too. I went shopping yesterday morning. Merril had something she went to, and I took the car. She had said “have fun shopping.” Really I wondered if those words go together. I had decided that Friday was the day I would get presents and take them home and wrap them. Then go pick up Merril. It actually went according to plan. I managed to get presents from four different places. Someone else bought me a present for Merril from a place they were visiting. I actually had not realized it was a group post saying they were going to a certain place. So I asked if something cold be gotten for me as a present for Merril. I did not realize my post had gone to Merril to. Doh! It was going to be a surprise to us both. I won’t go into what I got as Merril has yet to open her presents. But I was quite pleased. It is hard buying for someone who cannot say what they want. I actually understand that as I once got a “belly button warmer” addressed “to someone who has everything.” The reason for that impression was that I did not know what I wanted. I must say. Well, “must” is probably not right. I do say that it is had when you have enough and are content. I consider we in this country and in our circumstances are blessed. As far as I can tell we have a lot to be thankful for. Anyway today sees a big start and then things settle. Right now it is all go. Down the track it will be more “chill.” I never know what will make an impact. Friday is the James Clear email day. It seemed to arrive early today. I am glad it did. It contained this.
"Two is twice as good as one, but one is infinitely better than zero…. Sure, it might be ideal to spend an hour doing … things, but one minute gets you in the game. Now you're learning. Now you're improving. Now results are possible. One doesn't seem like much, but it's something real. At zero, you're still dreaming." I found that very applicable. It is my thinking that zero is dreaming but one is doing. I very much feel there is a time to dream. A time to imagine the possibilities of something I would like to do. Not dreams that lead to destruction, but dreams that lead to liberty. Also not as the cartoon I recently put on Facebook, dreams that justify napping. But dreams that lead me to engage in what is good for me and others. But dreams alone remain alone. I am totally for dreams that lead to positive actions. And that is where one comes in. So often I can set the bar too high. I have done it in the past and been discouraged. I have changed my ways and am really enjoying the new way of doing things. It is not making unrealistic demands on myself but doing something as opposed to nothing. Too often I have tried and seen others totally give up on something only because the demands were too difficult. So what came today reinforces what I feel. To do something is better than to do nothing. To do minimal inspires me to do more. That has been the thing for me. Doing a little of what I want to do I tend to do more. It is born not of obligation but of desire. It is funny when I have plans to do something around the place, I write it down giving myself a certain time. I know it actually may take more time, but it is making the start that matters. Inspiration comes with doing and not just dreaming. If I do no more than the time allocated, it is infinitely better in my mind than to have done nothing. Anyway this email has been a good thing. As it says, I feel like I am in the game. |