So much to learn. So much I have never heard of.
Like “Plausibility Structures.” For me it was like a double take and “say what’ moment. Wikipedia says of Plausibility Structures, “the sociocultural contexts for systems of meaning within which these meanings make sense, or are made plausible.” I learned there are three main influences of Plausibility structures. Community, experience, and facts figures and data. What really surprised me was what has been found to exert the greatest influence. I would have said it was facts and data. But no, it was community. I am big on all three. I am in a community of like minded people, I have had experiences that give me confidence I am on the right track and facts and figures support what I think. Yet thinking about it, community is a great influence - even when it is not to do with “meaning of life” stuff. For example I enjoy stamps. If I surround myself with 10 people that are into it to, I am likely to explore the subject and share my discoveries with others. If on the other hand I am surrounded by 10 people who never give stamps a second thought, I am more likely to neglect my collection. I actually like the concept. It is important to me that the facts and figures add up. I have no desire to be involved in something that is built on a fairy tale and is believed for no other reason than others believe it. My experience also has to correlate with my belief system. I am very much not a “just because” person. I will run a mile from something where the fact and data do not add up and my experience is contrary to what is held to. Yet if those are satisfied, I am a big believer in the power of community. So much can be achieved when a community work together. I am seeing big time the power of the opposite at the moment. Communities tearing themselves apart. Yet I have seen and am seeing what can be achieved when communities work together. That to me is constructive. Not working together is destructive.
One thing leads to another. I was talking yesterday about love. I got to thinking that loving those close to me and those I care about, is quite easy. But loving those who are far from me or who wrong me that is a bigger ask.
I was considering vengeance. There are those that rather than do the right thing by me do the wrong thing. Either intentionally or unintentionally. I definitely find those harder to love, but it was the alternative I was considering. I personally do not think we were designed to hold bitterness. I do think in war striking back is legitimate when used as a war tactic to gain the advantage over an opposition. I do not think it serves a good purpose when done merely in retaliation. I think of myself and those I have met. Not once has bitterness seemed a good look. Many feel they have a right to revenge, and that an injustice has been done against them. Often that to me is true, but I still have never seen bitterness or revenge as something that makes the offended look better. Loving in that situation is the sort of thing I need help with because loving someone who has wronged me sure does not come naturally. But again, I think of the alternative which is not a good look. And I have found such a thing is often not a one off. I can find peace in my heart today and want another to “get theirs” tomorrow. It seems to me often loving is something that grows rather than gets dealt with in one sitting and I move on. The big thing to me is I am moving in the right direction. (Hating another is to me counter-productive to my well-being. I may legitimately hate what they have done. I can also work to ensure it does not happen again or to someone else.) It may seem selfish but in this case, I do think it is all about me. The question for me is will I let the negative actions of another negatively determine my peace of mind? For me if I answer yes then I reckon I am the one who will suffer. I may inflict suffering on another but as the saying goes, “two wrongs don’t make a right.” Anyway, food for thought and it makes a good meal. I have probably mentioned this before but I did not see it but heard about an episode of the Simpsons where Homer got his hand caught in a vending machine slot. Despite everyone’s best efforts the hand could not be removed without dismantling the whole machine. It was only then discovered that Homer had his hand wrapped around a can of drink. If he had of let go the hand would have come straight out.
It may seem a bit of a leap to go from that to this but please stick with me. Sometimes what is considered love is more a misunderstanding of love. For example sometimes people are well meaning and with the best of intentions and are trying to change another. Often what has been attempted for years goes on being attempted with the same result. The fruit of that is always a pushing away rather than a drawing closer and resolution. I guess that means a lot to me as I have experienced it firsthand. I cared for someone after they were rendered a shadow of their former self. They were very strong willed, and I did not necessarily agree with all they said. But I did love them. Dearly. It was only when I got my hands off trying to change them and not only stated confidence but acted in confidence by letting go, did they change for the better. I was not the only one who saw it. The point to me is sometimes love is letting go. It is amazing how often I have seen positive results from letting go and leaving the job to someone better at it than me, and who loves them more than I do. That is way hard to do. The thing is, I really do not know what is best for me so what makes me think I know best for another? Right now, I am doing something I would have never chosen for myself, but I really felt I should do it. It is only in hindsight I realize it has done me so much good. I have found that sometimes letting a person go is my highest expression of love – and probably the hardest. |