I need to be the change.
Often what is going on around me is bemoaned. It seems to me difficulties are greater in this day rather than lessor. I only need watch the changes that have taken place in the news. It is granted that today there is greater access than ever before to footage of bad behaviour. Yet it seems to me there is need for security like never before. I hear about random acts of violence regularly. In unexpected places. More than ever it seems possible to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There was a great sense of relief that the Pasis games went off so well. Yet security had to be beefed up like never before. Amidst all this chaos I ask myself “what can I do?” I can only come up with one possibility. I am not responsible for the behaviour of another. I can only provide an environment where anyone is inclined to do the right thing. But in the end the actions of another are theirs. I admit I get frustrated when I hear "I am giving up on this situation as it is not to my liking" when I can only think, “if you do not like the way it is, do your bit to change it.” That to me is what I can do. If enough feel the same way and are willing to act rather than just talk that changes for the better can be made. Perhaps subtly at first but then possibly like a tidal wave. Merril and I have a philosophy of attempting to leave a place we go better than we found it. As much as possible I do not want to be a part of the problem but part of the solution. Admittedly there may not be much I can do - but there is something. To me doing something good is better than just saying something every time.
It is interesting to me how plans, though good and proper, are more a hope than anything. They are really saying if everything goes as I think it will, then this is what I will do.
Yesterday was a perfect example to me of plans being one thing, and what actually happens another. There was definitely much that happened according to script. But something we did not count on threw a spanner in the works. I took Merril to her appointment. There was very little rain which was a plus. We left early as once we were ready, I really wanted the drive over. So we got there probably an hour before her appointment. I was surprised that someone took her in for the appointment immediately. I found a good place to read and listen to music. It was in a reception area near a receptionist called Natasha. I guess it is weird I even mention that, but I remembered her name from the week before. It reminded me I had a real thing about the name Natasha when I was in my teens. It was probably because I was into Russian literature at that time. Tolstoy. Solzhenitsyn, I particularly loved one of Tolstoy’s books. Anyway, beside the point. I was definitely enjoying a read and music. At around 10 I decided to adjourn to the café where I was to meet my mate at 11.45. I ordered and received a coffee and sat down to wait and perhaps read. It was then I received a phone called from where Merril was, saying she would soon be ready to go home. This was way earlier than expected. About three quarters of an hour before I was meeting my friend for lunch. I later learned what happened. The person booked in before Merril had not turned up. The hospital was pleased Merril came early as they were able to move on. Naturally this put everything for us ahead of schedule. I rang my mate and we will get together later. I went and got Merril and we went home – earlier than expected. Now recovery time for Merril. We see her doctor today to assess how it is going. Apart from the eye drops that is it for getting the eyes done. Our plans went awry but all was well. Well today is final cataract day. Merril has had one eye done and is amazed at the difference in sight. She is definitely favouring her good eye over the one being done today.
I do sometimes think the doctor may have gone too far. She is seeing all sorts of things like cobwebs and areas that need cleaning. I live in blissful ignorance. Though I do admit when she points them out, I do see them. But it takes pointing out to me. I reckon the place is real tidy. I do question her saying that after she has rested for two years she can clean up. I think that two years is a figure she just made up. So today Merril is having the other eye done. I am doing all the driving while she is getting stuff done. Fortunately nothing is far away. The hospital is at Northlakes. Last time I went down and saw her booked in and was told it would be four hours getting in, procedure done and recovery. I came home and awaited a phone call. Not before I saw someone I associated with years ago at table tennis. We have arranged to have lunch together today. So I am going to stay down at Northlakes today. There are a couple of advantages in that besides being able to see someone I have not talked with in ages. It is supposed to rain a lot so I would prefer to not be on the road too often. I have a book to read that I am enjoying. I have music to listen to wirelessly through my phone. There is paper for those moments of inspiration that may come. Oh and I also have note paper to prepare for something at my place this evening. It's in my new man bag. Well new to me. Someone was selling it at the Market we hold. $2 and it would be worth close to $100 I reckon. So I am at the ready. I have got stuff together in preparation. I am a great believer in getting stuff done early to unclutter my mind and make provision for stuff I think of that may be needed. Now for day to dawn. |