I keep forgetting. This time though I thought I would look into it and not defer my celebration.
This is article 2404. That is over 6.5 years of posts. It is something I do daily. I have only not done it a couple of times. It has been when people have passed away that were close to me or someone close to someone close to me. Other than that, I have posted regularly. Admittedly sometimes I really wonder what I am going to write about. Even at 2400 it can seem I have exhausted stuff. Once upon a time I had a number of articles I had written but not posted. I sometimes used them. But those days are over. And so the birth of “dictionary day.” I have endeavoured to make a point of writing about whatever came up in dictionary day. Sometimes they have been real dozies. I have needed to look into it further to get a picture of what a word referred to. The one article I did not post was a dictionary word. I felt the word was too religious and some things I do not get anything out of and feel the pursuit of it is actually counter productive. The way I am can be summed up in a song I love. “I’m not one who has it all in place telling you what you should do. I’m just one ol hungry beggar showing you where I found food.” Truth be known that sums up my faith. Food is there if someone wants it. It would not be right if I did not attempt to show where food is and it would not be right for me to attempt to make another eat. I looked up the title of this. “Yay.” A question was asked I would never think to ask. “Is Yay a noun or a adverb?” I can’t even say “good question” as I had not thought to go there. So I write. Why? It is good for me and hopefully not bad for you. I enjoy writing even when it is just a discipline. Sometimes I want to go for it and other times I would prefer to not. Yet I always do it, and it always does me good. 2404. Yay!
I know it has been said before by someone famous, but I have one too. A dream that is. Actually, I have a few dreams but it is one in particular I am thinking of right now.
It has to do with tools. There are some jobs that need doing that are like a “one off” or a very rare occurrence. Many times an expensive tool is required. It may never be used again but it is essential for a particular job I am doing. There are many examples but I am thinking like a hammer drill or the like. My dream is that a group have things in common. That is, the tool I have or the tool you have is known to be available to another to use. It sounds simple but the more I think about it the more that is involved. I am a big one on dreams. Ok Bob Dylan sang “in order to dream you gotta still be asleep.” But it is not the sleep dream I am thinking of. It is the passion. For sure though sometimes passions are seemingly all consuming – and inhabit sleep dreams as well. A dream or a passion to me is different to a thought bubble. On a number of occasions, I have had people enthusiastic about something that they talk of implementing. I am in a position to encourage it or hit it on the head. What I tend to do though is give it at least a week before I do anything. What I have seen on numerous occasions is what was proposed was a thought bubble only. What seemed like a good idea at the time is forgotten and no longer seems to possess the possessor. At that point I am invariable pleased I did not pursue what was proposed. The thing is, I try to be someone of my word. If I commit, then I can be left holding the baby for something that was not my idea in the first place. I do not want to be a part of a dream that is not mine unless it fits into my dream. Sometimes others have really good proposals worth pursuing. Yet something worthwhile is not necessarily mine to pursue. I have a dream about the tools. It is not something I just thought of but something that has been with me for years. One day it may happen. I am willing to go for it, but it is something I need others to dream of too, and most importantly - make happen. A three year old kid was sitting in the back of a car eating an apple. He noticed it was turning brown and asked his dad why? His dad replied, “because after you ate the skin off, the meat of the apple came into contact with the air, which caused it to oxidize, thus changing its molecular structure and turning it into a different colour.” There was a long pause and then the kid asked, “daddy are you talking to me?”
The way I communicate matters. As I recently read, “every meaningful relationship requires significant communication.” Sometimes what is said may be right, but not right for the situation. I must admit it is one of the reasons I write the way I do. When faced with a choice of using a big word (ok it does not happen a lot as I don’t know that many big words, but it can happen), or one which more people know, I will go for the commonly used one. My thinking is I would prefer more to get where I am coming from than limit it to those who understand what may be a mostly unheard of word. Even then communication is more than what I say. Some research shows that words only account for under 10% of communication. That is why someone called Peter Druker said “the most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.” I have mixed results with communication. Sometimes I feel what I have said is understood, while at other times the response looks like “say what?” or “what you talkin about Willis.” (for those like me born last century). The point for me is that it is not safe for me to assume what I say has been understood or taken the way I meant it.” There are times I am told I said something I know I never said. I think it is safer to say something I said was heard a certain way. It is one of the reasons I think communication is so important. The safest way to know I have heard what is being said is to repeat back my understanding of what was said. I soon find out if I heard correctly or have missed something. It seems this communication thing is a lifelong thing. Sometimes I get it (I know for sure sometimes I am got – that was an attempt at humour) but for sure as said at the beginning, “every meaningful relationship requires significant communication.” |