Well here we are. It is the day Merril has her angiogram to hopefully give us some idea what is going on. Depending on the result it may mean an overnight stay for Merril.
My mind is sort of not post focused at the moment. As if what Merril is facing was not enough, I need to do the driving home. I don’t drive any real distances at the moment. But this is not about me. I will just be glad when it is over. I think it is even more so for Merril. All will be revealed. Because of the above I thought I would make it dictionary day. No help at all really. My finger fell on a word I had never heard of “concelebrate.” It means, “two or more priests celebrate mass together (esp. newly ordained priests)”. I confess using the Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary I am surprised my finger feel on that. It was really something I needed to look up as I have a different tradition. Apparently it has remained in Eastern Orthodoxy but was not practiced for centuries in the Roman Catholic church. All these things I never knew about. I am one that is like “any excuse for a celebration.” But that is me. I actually don’t know when I will feel the need to celebrate beyond what is really for me a continual celebration. That does not mean that only good stuff happens as I am a part of life, and I don’t know what will be dished up, but I do know whatever happens there is a good outcome. It sounds like it has stopped raining outside. I need to get stuff together for the trip. I reckon for me there will be a bit of reading today along with a lot of waiting. Time to prepare.
I am big on the following. It was a quote from a James Clear email a while ago.
"If you look for evidence that people are conspiring to hold you back and the world is working against you, then it will take you no time at all to find precisely that. If you expect to encounter helpful people and experience a world that is working with you, then you find plenty of evidence to support that view as well. The raw material for a sweet life or a bitter life is always there. The story you emphasize is the one you notice." What I am big on is what I emphasise grows. It is true for myself and others. Only the other day someone mentioned they felt they needed a bath after taking with another. The reason was the negativity that was emphasised. I think most people experience examples of that and I know I endevour to not be that person. It is so easy to talk about the bad things that may be happening to me or the bad things I see happening in the world. The other day someone said they no longer concentrate on something as they found they were getting angrier and angrier. So the best thing to do was walk away. It is not a case of burying my head in the sand, but a choice I make not to treat it like it is all there is. As the quote emphasises both elements are present. Good and bad. As always I have a choice. If I choose to emphasise the bad, then there is plenty to keep me going. There seems to be more and more of it at the moment. But I can also choose to emphasise the good. Instead of highlighting the obvious bad I highlight the good. As has been stated much more is achieved via carrot than stick. I am thinking it is what “pass it forward” is all about. When I encourage and highlight the good then good tends to become more pervasive. The “Butterfly Effect.” I want to be a part of the solution rather than a part of the problem. Something James Clear had in his email got me. He said, “…In many ways, growth is unlearning."
I know that I have had trouble accepting that. It is always a case of eating humble pie. Something I have held to for a time is proven to be false. I do not like to admit I am wrong. Especially if it is a view I have espoused and then, in a moment of clarity, I see it is different to what I have held to. That is one of the reasons why I reckon it is really important to find out things for myself. Second hand information can be provided in a well-meaning way, and the one stating the case may totally believe what is being said. I will accept something perhaps with a grain of salt until I have evidence it is correct. I have not always done that and a case in point comes immediately to mind. Fortunately, the passing on of the information was limited so the damage was limited. I reckon it must be really hard for someone to admit to something that is contrary to what they have espoused to many. I have great admiration for someone willing to admit to a proven error in thinking or belief. To me it indicates a bigger person than someone who remains closed to something they cannot agree with, only because they refuse to agree with it. So often a whole new world of possibilities opens up with acceptance. Error is always troublesome. It seems to me something can become more and more incredible the weaker its foundations are seen to be. Probably one of my most important stances has to do with not accepting wrong thinking. I find there is so much that can be so close to right or may even contain some right. But it can also contain some wrong too. I do not want to descend into a rabbit hole only to discover it houses a snake. There has only been one perfect man, and it is not me. I need to unlearn some things but to me that is better for myself and others than believing a lie, and encouraging others to believe it to. |