Well it is early morning and I have done what I normally do. Feed the animals.
I often wake the fish up by emptying the condensation that is on his cover back into the tank. He comes over and grabs the first lot of food on my finger suspended above his tank. From then on, I put a tiny pallet in the water in front of him. Sometimes he sees it and eats it hungrily. At other times it goes right past him. Anyway, I count out what I give him and what he has missed he finds and eats during the day. I also feed the lorikeets and doves. We have two bird feeders. The seed we get in bulk from a produce store and it lasts weeks. We also supplement it with food that Cockatoo’s like and occasionally they visit. The last thing I do is feed a couple of crows. We are thankful it is not an invasion but there is a couple we like to feed. They come every day. One is skittish and only eats when we are far away. It flies off at the first sign of us appearing. The other is different. We have come up with a really original name for the crows. Krow. We always greet it as “hello Krow with a K.” A friend mentioned how talking in a high-pitched voice is seen as non-threatening. So I talk to the crow like that. It has been getting closer and closer. There is something I hope Merril catches on camera someday. This Krow has gotten so close that it sits on the chair next to me and we contemplate the world together. When I say “sits on the chair” he is more comfortable on the arm or back of the chair. It reminds me of an assistance dog at church one time. I got it a drink of water. It came up to me later and leaned heavily on me and let me pat it. The owner later said, “he thanked you.” I have never seen anything like it. But I do love animals, and they seem to sense it. Crows are really hard to tell apart on the whole. Though there is one that has stopped coming (nothing like a little dissuasion). I call him Big Chest and Merril calls him Long Legs. I personally have never seen a crow like it. Another that we do not dissuade is one we call Hoppy. He has a problem leg, and it is easy to pick him. I am impressed with the actions of the crows we encourage. Perhaps I will write about such things one time. They do stuff in preparation for a baby (it is spring and the time of birth). In the meantime, I have done my part (feeding) and they are doing theirs (eating). We all have other things to do which are definitely easier to do on a full stomach.
I read something recently that Woodrow Wilson said. “I would rather fail in a cause I knew someday would triumph than win in a cause I knew someday will fail.”
I find it really interesting to look at the lives of those who influence others. Those in power. I have found those who carry the load are in so many ways like us all. They have strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are enjoyed while weaknesses invariably are exposed. A mate of mine taking about ants or birds or fish (doesn’t matter really) used to say, “they are just trying to hustle up a living like the rest of us.” I feel the same way about people that are high up. I used to have contact on a regular basis with a person who was the best in Australia at his sport. He represented us at the Olympics. For some reason I was talking about it with someone and they said, “you talked to him?” Fair dinkum I regard it as one of the best complements I ever received when someone said to me “you treat everyone the same.” It is something I know I do. It does not matter how high and mighty someone is (their loss if they think it matters) they are the same as us. They enjoy what we enjoy. They desire friendship. Often that is not forthcoming because others imagine (like the person above) they are unapproachable. When I first arrived in Brisbane I used to play squash with someone who was a power broker where he worked. I really appreciated those times as the person was willing to play squash against me and share with me. They came to my farewell at work. They did not have to but did and I was wrapped. The point for me is it does not matter what level of society someone occupies. Needs are the same. Truth can be uttered by one in the most humble circumstance and one who rules. Woodrow Wilson was the top of the tree. Yet what he said is applicable no matter who said it. I think the song says, “there’s got to be a morning after.” Well it is the morning after.
I know I slept well last night. They reckon you get as fit as what you do requires. Well I have not reached that stage yet. I subbed last night at table tennis. First time in a while. I enjoyed it big time but right now is the morning after. All I know is it can only get better as I get fitter. There were a few shots that came back to me but it did not stop me from getting done. And our team lost 6/5. It was five all when I went to play the last game. As Merril said “no pressure.” Anyway some one was happy. I sort of take consolation in the fact I had not played for ages and made a bit of a contest of it. Not against the first player I played though. He was way good. I am just grateful for the opportunity to play him. Their third player was close. That was my last match. Lost it Three games to two. The last was 11/8. Someone from my team said they thought I had capitulated in one game but came back and won it. I do notice I have a tendency to be hard on myself which costs me a few points while I get over it. I will work on it. It was enjoyable. Merril came up and we both had a chance to catch up with various ones. I am subbing again next week at a different level. I live in hope. I got there a bit later than expected as Merril was sending a huge file. The instructions said don’t leave doing it till the last minute. Her experience shows me why. The file eventually went but caused a little angst. She had done it early. It was nice having her on the sideline. At one stage I told her “no more mr nice guy” but that didn’t help really. So this morning after a good sleep I am raring to go for the day. If raring is moving sloth like between activities then I’m raring. |