It’s James Clear email day. I do like it as he so often discusses topics I am happy to be reminded of and learn from.
Today’s email contains a quote, “Limiting your options now will expand your opportunities in the long run because you can remain focused enough to master something…” I have often marvelled how we know more and more about less and less. In other words, there are those that specialize. Sure it may limit knowledge about other things but it expands knowledge about one thing. I am glad for those who have specialized. I heard yesterday about someone who is becoming a doctor specializing in cranial reconstructions. They need to do a doctor’s degree and a dentists degree. Then they need to work with someone with 6 years experience before practicing themselves. I hope I never need their services, but I sure am glad there are those who specialize in such things. Maybe their knowledge is limited in other areas, but it is full on in an area where such knowledge is needed. Merril and I often ask questions at web sites that specialise in say plants, the garden or wildlife. Until we hear from others, we do not know the answers but generally someone who specializes in such things provides an answer we need. We can go on once we know. So often what I learn from others is not intended as a killjoy but as a warning. As a kid I was told not to put knives in sockets or pull hot water from a stove. These things were told to me not to discourage but to warn. I find discovery is exciting. Some disguise ignorance but I am happy to display my ignorance in the pursuit of personal discovery. I find it is the only way to learn. Even when I know stuff I prefer to remain silent knowing that another may reveal important stuff I do not know that will help me take a step further. I am a great one in not believing in reinventing the wheel. So often another has been somewhere before me and has mapped out a way for me that makes sense. The pursuit of the unknown is an exciting adventure. I am happy to pass on what I know because others who have been further are wiling to do the same. To me that is the only way new ground is broken. More and more gets known about less and less.
This time yesterday I had just gotten up from overnighting at the hospital with Merril.
Our plans for the next week are now very different to what they were this time yesterday. Friday we were heading off on a cruise. The plan had been, see the doctor, get cleared, and go on holidays while the builder finished our granny flat. Yesterday changed all that. Merril had a bit of a turn yesterday before seeing the doctor. The doctor said it was probably a “settling” but that is what we thought it may be. It may have been meal related. But it really changed our plans. We are now not going on a cruise. That was Merril’s decision. I did not want to be the one who put off the cruise, but I must say I agree with the decision. It may have never happened, but we did not want Merril airlifted off a boat back to Australia. So both Merril and I have changed our leave. Ok it is imaginary but for Merril it is now sick leave rather than holiday leave and for me it is carers leave. Our holidays are still intact. Just for a different time. Actually just taking our cruise later would have been the best case scenario for us. We are trying, but are not confident. Merril had talked to the company. They said yes you can postpone the trip but there will be a penalty. We could live with that until we heard what the penalty was. The penalty was the exact amount we had paid for the trip. When Merril pointed that out she was told yes we don’t have a refund policy. So at this stage that is all water under the bridge, or probably more correctly water under the boat. So we will be here but incognito for a time. While I will do all that caring involves, I will do other things as I can. I have a few tasks I will be able to do while around but the majority of them will not happen through me as had been planned. The builder has said they are ahead of schedule here and will not be seen until next week. So here we are. We do not know what the future holds but thankfully we know who holds the future. This is different. I ended up spending the night at the hospital. Merril knows how things work. I had rung one place seeking accommodation and was told they were full. They did not even have a stable they could put me up in. No surprise there really. Not many inner city lodgings have them these days. I also rang another place and it went to message bank. The hospital provided me with a fold out bed.
Merril had a replacement stent put in. We are actually both really pleased with the outcome. Merril has no more pain and question I has as to why this was happening were answered. So often Merril was freezing on a warm day. I knew there was a problem somewhere and it was located. I did come to the hospital thinking I would take Merril home yesterday after the procedure. The fist sign I did not expect was that Merri was booked in for 2pm after having to register at 10am. She actually was worked on at about 4.30pm. Then to see her in a bed wheeled by made me think “I don’t think she is coming home tonight.” I was right. Fortunately I had been to the cafeteria to get food. But I do think they may be in cahoots with the hospital. I had a BLT and toasted ham, cheeze and tomato sandwich and 2 coffees and it cost me over $33. I decided I did not want a sandwich there when I saw it was $9.80. So my thinking is the cafeteria and hospital are sharing the take. I am thinking that the cafeteria thinks people here may be on their last legs, so they want a cut of their hard earned and inheritance. They may have decided and are working towards a sandwich costing me all of what I have put away. But I am glad we now have an answer to what has perplexed me. Sometime today I anticipate we will be home. |