Well the day turned out to be a good pottering day.
The front yard is a jungle and needs to be delt with. When one neighbour mows the front verge and the neighbour across the road does the whippier snipping it says something. Now it would be nice if some other neighbour took it upon themselves to do the front gardens that would be nice. But alas that does not happen. That area remains to be done. Now the back yard is a different story. (Except for the extreme back where I have the same weed problem. Yesterday afternoon I looked at natural solutions to weeds. We are not into the indiscriminate use of chemicals but we have a strong dislike of weeds.) I have used this solution once on a path and it was effective. It is vinegar based. Yesterday I prepared a sprayer and got is all ready. Early morning and evening is best, and results are visible the next day. I had a sprayer in an unopened box. It had a shoulder strap. I wanted a solution that did not involve bending at all. I am happy with this one. Merril went to visit family and it was right and good. I was determined just to potter around. I did that successfully. I tidied up the car port, blowing away the leaves and grime as I went. In the afternoon I pursued something that seems to be a goal of Merril to. We want to strike plants from cuttings and seeds for sale at our market. I found two ideal containers for pots and added polystyrene we had from the installation of a few things. Then I added potting mix we had. All is in readiness now. It inspired me to work on our green house. I cleared it out and have made it our greenhouse/potting area. I did other things that made for a satisfying days activities. But the front yard still awaits. Dealing with that is planned for tomorrow. Merril studies today and I will potter again. It is date night tonight and we would like to do some shopping. It is an enjoyable time of the year.
Another Christmas has come and gone.
We went out to someone’s place for lunch. They were having a get together for anyone in the community who wanted to have lunch with them. There was plenty of food. It was going from 11am to 3pm. We left at about 2pm. Before that, we had had our usual praying together then did some things around the home as well as open presents. I saw a kid interviewed and asked what they got for Christmas. They said “paper.” I got paper too but I did not treat in very well. It was what was inside the paper I was after. I had started to put together a table which we had bought from Ikea for our granny flat (cabin). It was a small one with a folding side. I must admit I have only ever bought a table and plonked it where it was going. This one I had to construct. It may not look much, but it had so many parts and a hidden extension. I followed the instructions to the letter. Merril helped me finish it. Two are much quicker than one. Especially when it is Merril. She made what looked hard to me, easy. In very little time it was completed and put in place. And everything worked as it should! The chairs are fold up ones and the spares in case people arrive to eat. We have not bought the main ones yet. Merril is studying and used some of the time to do what she needed to do to keep up with her subject. There was other stuff we got done before we went out. More and more the home is looking like it once did with the additions. We had altered the bathroom so now it is a bathroom, washing cloths area and an ironing area. One place was now three places. That was because we used to do the ironing and washing in the now self-contained granny flat. We do those things elsewhere now (our former bathroom only). Then we headed off. We took some heating trays on a “just in case” basis and they were needed. It was good having conversations with people I had not talked to much before. Because the chief cook was Asian, I had food I would not normally have. I must say I liked it a lot. We came home and had a rest. Not much was completed in the evening. That is pretty usual. Heaps gets done early. Well here it is – Christmas Day.
We are going over to someone’s place who is having a Christmas Dinner for the community. Apparently, there are about 40 going. There will be games for the kids and of course food! We have said we will give a hand where it is needed but we are really over doing a lot. We have done heaps throughout the year and see this time as a rest and recuperation time. We are doing a bit around our place at the moment. We are endeavouring to get our place back to something similar to what it was before we got the new kitchen and the granny flat (Cabin) added. It was great a mate came over and gave me a hand to move some of the bigger stuff. He really knew what he was doing and the fridge, couch and fold up bed plus cupboards went into the Cabin in super quick time. I was really glad for his help. I was trying to avoid Merril needing to move anything weighty. It worked, but it is really hard to get her not to do anything like that. We had bought a small fold up table from Ikea. I must admit I am used to getting a table and simply putting it in place. This one came with instructions and in many pieces. I am needing to assemble it. Someone I worked with left where I work to put stuff together for people. I can see why. I am a typical guy and left Christmas shopping till the last minute. Merril and I went out Christmas eve. We had Containers for Cash to take and we took them. It seems many others decided to take theirs on the same day. Merril commented how she likes the way we work together. I process the plastic and cardboard containers, and she processes the bottles which I pack in freezer bags from the supermarket. We did that and then separated at a shopping centre. I got presents and she got one too though she already had gotten some. We then had a coffee together at the shops and went home. All it all a good day. But the presents are under the tree and I’m ready to open them. Then again though I am used to getting up early. I hope everyone has a great day. |