Today is dictionary day. How do I determine which day is dictionary day? Whatever day I decide is dictionary day really. And today is that day! I gave the dictionary to Merril and her finger fell on the word “thoughtful.” I thought, “I have to think about that one.”
The definition is “engaged in or given to meditation; considerate, not haphazard or unfeeling.” Online dictionaries gave words like reflective, considerate, and careful. Looking at something else online I really liked “A thoughtful person is someone who thinks about others before themselves. They are thoughtful of the needs and feelings of those around them. It takes both focus and empathy for this characteristic to work well.” I do like to look up things when I am presented with a word. I look for aspects I maybe have not considered before. There were heaps. Like one of the articles as called “17 Characteristics of a Thoughtful Person.” ( Here I am, struggling to find maybe five, and this article lists 17! I do like some of the things I read though. “Thoughtful people ask themselves questions like “What can I do?” rather than “What’s in it for me?” Or another that says, “Thoughtful people think about the future and how their actions today will affect tomorrow.” That one I find particularly relevant, as it seems to me it is best I determine what actions are best for my future. It is likely to take a little time, but in my mind it is time well spent. I am very suspicious of instant gratification when it destroys or hinders a goal of mine that may be longer term. I feel I can do what I want to, but that does not mean all things are good for me. The choice thing comes into play again. “Thoughtful people think about how their actions today will affect the future and try to make decisions that benefit both themselves and others in the long run.” I want to give this more thought (pun intended) but I have definitely enjoyed looking into this. There may even be a thoughtful part two. Who knows. Not me at this point.
Well another day another task. I expect this post to be a little disrupted this morning with people coming and going. I do not think it will take long to establish a routine but that is a future thing.
I expect the Cabin (granny flat) builder will be back today. I just received a message from the electrician to say he is leaving his place and will be here shortly. He will be turning off the electricity to the kitchen. Because the new kitchen is something starting today. The insulation of that. Merril spent time last night emptying that. She has plans and visions for that spot. I help where I can, but it is implementing the way she would like it to be. She does a great job. I can see heaps of work for me when all this installation is over. We want to use the lino from the Cabin for our outdoor sitting area. There is heaps to remove before that can go down. Then there is putting it back again. Same story for our bbq area. We want to put the current lino in the sitting area down there. Again there will be heaps to remove and the put back again. I’m back again about 2 hours later. The electrician was the first to arrive. Then the installers came. Then the guy working on the granny flat. Then the plumber. It is all happening. I have fed the birds and the fish and Merril and I feel it is ok to go do what we need to do and everyone is gainfully employed. Hopefully for us it is a bit quieter now. Yesterday was church and then Merril and I had different things to go to in the afternoon. It was all good. For us at the moment it is like one thing after the other. People come around tomorrow and Merril has an appointment. Then Wednesday I see someone and then we both do something together in the evening. If this was an Aldi ad I would say Busy. Good Busy. It is the weekend so there is no building going on. It all starts again Monday. We are expecting the “Cabin” (granny flat) builder to continue on and the kitchen demolishers and installers to be around. Big week coming up.
In a sense one would expect a time to relax over the weekend but not so really. I have people over for breakfast one Saturday a month. Yesterday was it. For the first time all the bacon was gone along with all the poached eggs. There were sausages and scrambled eggs left. 18 came along (including me). That is the most ever here. I think a good time was had. Afterwards I had to move the fish tank from the kitchen into my room. It needed a clean as well. It sure is a challenge when everything has had to be put in storage and I need to use the bathroom or outside to do what I normally do in the kitchen. It was done and Merril continued to empty the kitchen deciding as she went what was really needed. I did get a James Clear email and like what was said. “A critical quality to develop in life is the willingness to try. You simply must find enough confidence to give it a go. The human mind is fabulous at learning. You will get better at whatever you practice. But before you can develop the skill to succeed, you must find the courage to attempt." I admit I particularly like “But before you can develop the skill to succeed, you must find the courage to attempt.” That is something I need to keep in mind. It is so easy to not give it a go for fear of failure. Yet for me there is nothing like attempting what I consider is impossible and experiencing success. I know before success comes trial. But from my experience it is always worth it. Today promises to be another busy day. Still before success is trial. |