It is a fact of life that I am not always excited and motivated by the dreams of others. I can be excited about what I want to do, and recognize there may be dry times in achieving what I set out to achieve.
Yet when it comes to the dreams of others, I can see dryness as the way the whole thing is. I would rather be doing my own thing. Yet I pause because I realize something. If I need help in achieving my dreams, then it is reasonable to assume others need help in achieving theirs. In a way that sounds selfish in that I am using another to achieve my own ends. Yet I think it is better said we are all using each other to achieve our own ends. As far as I am concerned alone is never ideal. Alone is not what works best. It is true to me that I alone can decide a course of action for myself I want to take. But alone is not best for anyone. More can be made of dreams done together. To me together is best. I have gone down this path because Merril told me she wanted to transfer a tv with a dvd player to her room and put up a shelf. This was to aid her study. I admit I was not into it. Yet I felt big time that Merril helps me so I should help her. Ok I have this thing about electricity in walls that I want to steer clear of. Rightly so it seems to me. Dad was in the building industry and at one stage pressed for electricity wiring being included in plans. I do understand why that was not pursued. To me the including of wiring may be right at the time of building, but so many changes can be made down the track. The powers that be do not want to be responsible for future accidents because action was taken based on how it was. Anyway we used electricity finders. That is after we googled it to see how what we had worked. Everything was harder than we had imagined but elbow grease and ingenuity won out and we did it. Merril has what she wants, and we both feel good about it. I learned new skills and a work around, and Merril had what she needed for study. We achieve more together.
Yesterday was a fix up day. Well, the morning was anyway.
I was really glad we did it for a number of reasons. Not least because it gave us a chance to see the condition of a couple of gazebo’s we have. The reason I was looking in the first place was that next week-end on the 7th we are a part of a Family Fun Day. My roll is to co-ordinate the set-up of things. Others are organizing the event, and I am putting into place much that is needed. We had a table to fix plus a couple of chairs. Screws had worked their way loose and rendered the items unusable. That is where the Kuskie’s come in. We fix stuff. Dogy Brothers is our name. Well, we do it and get it right in the end. We fixed the table first using a way we will do for all tables in the fullness of time. That is, we drill (they are plastic) and use a bolt so the thing cannot come loose in the same way. We then repaired a couple of chairs. The backs were dodgy. They are great chairs, but the problem had rendered them unusable if a person wanted to lean back (which really is perfectly reasonable). We did have a problem finding screws but once found we used no more nails with them and hopefully the backs giving way is a thing of the past. Then we looked at our marquess. It is a while since we have used them, so we put them up partially to see their condition. I was glad we did that as there were a few rips in the covers we taped up. Both are good to go. The family fun day is next week-end. I have a list of what should happen when. Yesterday was day one really. The event is being housed at the church we go to but is not a church event. It has to do with child safety and a number of organizations will be involved. There is space for a fire engine, a petting zoo and various groups are coming including crime stoppers. There will be face painting, games, a sausage sizzle and other activities. Please feel free to come along with the kids and/or the grandkids from 3-5pm. Our role is part of what is happening. I never cease to be amazed at the organization and time that goes into putting something like this on but when it is over, invariably, I feel it was worth it. |