I do enjoy the thought of a day off. As said before it is not that I do nothing, but I do not make appointments. I really feel it is a day when I can do stuff that needs doing around the home. Or sleep - which I have done a number of times before.
Today is that day. I have a few things in mind to do. I am hoping the inspiration hits. Though often I know something needs doing and I set a time length to the activity. That normally works. I may go over or under the time I have set, but I find getting started the hardest part. Once started I often want to take it further. Yesterday I was sitting waiting for someone to come by who was colleting me for an event I was going to that night. I saw a cockatoo in our tree. Merril mostly goes and gets it some seed (she is visiting her mum right now). So that is what I did. Sure enough, that is what it was waiting for. It came down and had a feed. I actually love the eyes of those birds. They are big and beautiful birds but seem to have a nice nature too. If the eyes are anything to go by that is not surprising. So I have fed the birds and the fish this morning. It is sort of a ritual. The birds know it is feeding time and wait around. I call them our “fly in, fly out” birds. We recently had a tradesman come early and he commented on the number of birds present. We like it and others do too. Right now we were to be on a cruise. It did not happen. We are disappointed but as is my custom I look for the good. It is not always immediately obvious, but it is always there when I look. This time we have had a resolution to an issue. Merril had a stent put in last week. It had been incredibly disconcerting for me to hold her hand and find it was really cold on a warm day. Now we know and have dealt with why. So today is a day off. What’s in store is an unknown. I have plans but they are casual plans.
Someone commented that “try being my age you will really know what being invisible is then.”
It got me thinking of invisible people. Not the super-hero types but the ones that tend to be ignored or overlooked. Also not just the homeless. They were known as the invisible people but at this time are being seen more and more. Not that I set myself up, as I am as capable of selfishness as the next. It is the action of those who act without thought for another. Not thinking “if I do this how will it impact others?” It seems to me being seemingly invisible can come with age. I was helping build something with some young fellas. They were talking indoor cricket. I was not a part of the conversation at all, yet I have spent heaps of time playing indoor cricket and have a multitude of stories. It was ok and I know life moves on, but it highlighted to me how one group can completely overlook another. Merril being a nurse had a lot to do with seemingly invisible people. One of her experiences that really impacted me was looking after an elderly lady. No one would give her a second thought, but Merril found out she had been presented with something from Gandhi. One of the saddest pictures I have ever seen (which I have not been able to find again) was a hunchbacked woman in front of empty shelves during the pandemic. I do not know if it was real or not, but the thought was to me very real. It reminds me of an ad I saw on tv which was only there for a short period, of an old fella getting a knock at the door. He moved real slow and by the time he reached the door the visitor had determined no one was home and left. I guess those sort of things mean heaps to me. What to me may only take seconds can mean a heap to another. Knowing they are seen. Knowing they matter. Like most I do like a variety of music.
I do have trouble with liking jazz though. Having said that, I used to catch a bus from work to the train and sometimes sat with a guy that was into jazz. Every Wednesday evening he would get together with mates and play. As a player I imagine it is fun to ad lib but as a listener I was always looking for a beat, or an opportunity to tap along, and it did not seem to be there as often as I would like. Having said that I imagine some would have trouble with me liking some rock and roll. It is not an “always” thing but “sometimes” I like to listen to heavy music. Head banging stuff. Not everyone’s cup of tea for sure but as long as the words are ok I really can enjoy it. Yesterday on my play list I was listening to a song that would fall into that category. From the first bar I thought “this is roll and roll.” I think I have written before about what it was saying but it got me again. “She needs more than a hug on a holiday.” I also have on my playlist the song by Phil Collins, “Another day in Paradise.” For me compassion is desirable but difficult. Often it means investing time and effort in another. Sometimes that time and effort is seemingly a waste of time. (I laughed. I thanked someone for reading an email of mine. They said, “that’s 15 seconds of my life I will never get back.”) Compassion is mostly more than 15 seconds. But to me it is the right thing to do - sometimes despite the seemingly fruitless results. I was reading yesterday about someone who came to the aid of another on several occasions but did not experience a reciprocation. That to me says heaps. I think the exercising of compassion has more to do with results in me than in the object of my compassion. It is a bonus and the outward goal if someone else is helped. But what happens on the inside of me I think can be gold if I let it. I want to grow as a person. Sometimes that means going down to go up. Results in me I can control. Results is others is their business. |